Arti Lagu When I Was Young | Blink 182

When I Was Young - Blink 182 | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

I woke up today surrounded by blackness
Bangun tidur hari ini saya diselimuti kegelapan

The small morning sun devoured the process
Mentari pagi yang mungil asyik menikmati proses

It's always been fun when I get a bit nervous
Selalu menyenangkan ketika saya agak gugup

And it's hard to say but I feel a bit weightless
Sulit dijelaskan tapi saya merasa tiada beban

The more I admit I feel a bit anxious
Semakin kuakui ku merasa gundahku berkurang

The more I go on the less I can face this
Semakin kubertahan, semakin tak sanggup kuhadapi ini

And those rotten things that live in our shadow
Dan hal-hal busuk yang hidup di dalam bayangan kita

We walk on the line of death and the gallows
Kita berjalan di garis kematian dan ketakutan

And hope that we clear a path we can follow
Dan berharap kita bersihkan jalan yang kita ikuti

It's the worst damn day
Ini hari terburuk

(It doesn't hurt that much)
(Tak sesakit itu)

Of my life
Dalam hidupku

I made a mess today
Tlah kubuat kekacauan hari ini

(It doesn't hurt that much)
(Tak sesakit itu)

I'm alright
Aku baik-baik saja

It doesn't hurt that much
Tak sesakit itu

When I was young the world it was smaller
Saat saya masih muda, dunia ini lebih kecil

The cities were vast the buildings were taller
Kota-kota begitu luas, gedung-gedung lebih tinggi

I felt really strong my parents seemed stronger
Aku merasa kuat, orang tuaku terlihat lebih kuat

But life has a way it showers with greatness
Tapi hidup punya cara, hidup berlimpah keagungan

Then takes it away those pieces that made us
Lalu mengambil kepingan-kepingan yang membentuk kita

Then teaches you things you'd never imagine
Lalu mengajarkanmu hal-hal yang tak pernah kamu bayangkan

We all get the same the memories the burdens
Kita semua sama-sama menerima kenangan dan beban

The pictures we made they still form a pattern
Gambar yang kita buat, masih membentuk pola

They cautiously say does it all matter
Semua itu hati-hati berkata, pentingkah kiranya semua ini

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